The script will only stop when F12 is pressed. General notes: The second section of code referred to as the alternative will run continuously after the F11 key is pressed.
Note 3: this simply clicks, no location, just where ever the mouse is, it will click. Note 2: Remember the above line? %RandomSleep% is now defined/declared as the random number it selected. Note 1: time measured in milliseconds (1000ms = 1second), picks a num between 213ms and 1346ms RandomClick: Random, x, 250, 500 set your min and max x coordinate for random clicks within that range Random, y, 300, 650 set your min and max y coordinate for random clicks within that range Click, %x%, %y% returnį12:: closes the script, the change the hotkey, go to GuiClose: ExitApp ` To change the hotkey, refer to ĪutoClicker that clicks where your mouse is #SingleInstance Forceį11:: Random, SleepClick, 250, 1000 clicks randomly between 250-1000ms SetTimer, RandomClick, %SleepClick% return Random, y, 300, 650 Set your min and max y coordinate for random clicks within that rangeį12:: Closes the script. Random, x, 250, 500 Set your min and max x coordinate for random clicks within that range Random, SleepClick, 250, 1000 clicks randomly between 250-1000ms IsPaused := false Variable to track the pause state Using AutoHotKey you can run this script, change the timer and coordinates to fit your needs.ĪutoClicker with defined coordinates #SingleInstance Force